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Will Wimmer wins $10,000 for Linda Tutt H.S.

Congratulations to Will Wimmer for winning $10,000 for Linda Tutt High School!

Sanger ISD along with Hilltop Securities is thrilled to be honoring Will Wimmer with a $10,000 donation to Linda Tutt High School and prizes for his classroom.

Mr. Wimmer was one of five Gold Prize winners in Hilltop Securities’ third annual Hilltop Hunt, an online treasure hunt for Texas K-12 educators with a chance to win a share of $50,000 in prizes. “Winning this grant is a testament to Mr. Wimmer’s commitment to providing the best possible education to our students. We are proud to have such a deserving educator as part of our team,” said Jennie Flaa, Assistant Superintendent.

Did you know...the Sanger Education Foundation has the ability to accept financial donations on behalf of the school district from business entities, other community foundations, and organizations that could not support the schools without directing the contributions to an Education Foundation.  “We are honored to assist our teachers, campuses and school district to provide this means of accepting financial donations on their behalf,” said Valerie Foster - Executive Director SEF.

“Recently,  we were honored to accept on behalf of the Linda Tutt High School Teacher, Will Wimmer a $10,000 check from Hilltop Securities.”

The monetary donation will be used for Linda Tutt H.S. 


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