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Two Sanger Police Officers recognized for dedicated work

2022 Sanger American Legion Post 268 Officers of the Year

At a recent Sanger City Council Meeting, Seargeant Reece Dunn and Detective Justin Lewis were recognized for their expemplary police work, by the Sanger American Legion Post 268.

Sergeant Dunn began noticing a pattern of suspicious activity at the home of a Sanger teenager in 2021 involving repeated recoveries of runaway children, drug use, and underage alcohol consumption. As each individual incident was resolved, Sergeant Dunn’s belief that a larger problem with the safety of young teenagers in Sanger was strengthened. After receiving additional information from a family member of a young teenage female who had been involved with the suspect, Sergeant Dunn compiled reports and calls for service and brought his concerns to Sanger Police Department administration.

Shortly after these concerns were voiced, Detective Justin Lewis was assigned to investigate the information Sergeant Dunn had compiled. Detective Lewis began an investigation that blossomed into a multi-agency, multi-county effort leading to the identification of no less than five child victims of alleged sexual acts committed by the suspect and the arrest of the suspect on multiple felony offenses.

“Your work is greatly appreciated and the Sanger community is proud,” said Chief Waylan Rhodes.


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