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Two people in plane crash released from hospital

Two people were sent to the hospital after a small plane crashed, recently, into a tree in Denton County, authorities said.

Officials with the FAA said a single-engine 1943 Boeing-Stearman Model 75 touched down at Bar VK Air Estates at about 1:45 p.m. October 4th, and ended up colliding with a tree off the grass runway. The Boeing-Stearman E75 Kaydet impacted trees during/after initial takeoff from the Bar V K Airport (T38), Bolivar, Texas. The aircraft was observed climbing out, when it started sinking back toward the ground. It touched down hard then bounced back in the air. It continued south striking one tree with its right wing, then after yawing 180 degrees, the left wing became tangled in another tree which brought it down adjacent to that tree. Both occupants exited the aircraft on their own, shortly afterward.

The NTSB will lead the investigation into the incident with assistance from the FAA. A preliminary incident report will be available soon.

The husband and wife are residents of the Bar VK.  The pilot was released from the hospital the day of the crash.  His wife had facial surgery and was released last week.  A friend of the  couple  said they are just banged up, but will be ok.   The Bar VK is located north of Bolivar, just west of FM 2450. 


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