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Town historian will turn 100 this month, send her a birthday card

Idaleene Scheu Fuqua grew up in Sanger, Texas and she has authored several articles about Sanger’s history. Her father, Fred Scheu, began his career with the railroad in 1916 in Fort Worth and later worked in Oklahoma for the railroad and after a few years, came to Sanger and became the station master for many years. Idaleene and her brother, Freddie Boy, grew up in the small community of Sanger. Idaleene’s mother, Ida, was instrumental in the Methodist Church and was a woman that believed work was best for all. Her father believed in knowledge and encouraged reading to further one’s self.

Idaleene Scheu Fuqua’s (1923- ) father, Fred H. Scheu, (1895-1974) was the station agent for the Santa Fe at Sanger from 1916-1917 and again from 1930-1946. As a child, she remembers seeing the herds of cattle being driven down Sanger’s narrow, dusty streets even into the 1930s. “A cloud of dust and the noise of the cowboys warned the residents of the approaching thundering herd. Mothers would rush to get freshly hung laundry off the clotheslines and get the children indoors where they could watch from the windows.” The cattle were herded eastward on Bolivar Road (now known as FM 455), onto Hwy 77 for a short distance and then would be turned east toward the railroad station.

Idalene graduated from Sanger High School with many memories still intact as she soon reaches the age of 100. She was born October 25, 1923 and has been one of the “greats” for Sanger history. She has been a member of the Sanger Area Historical Society for many years and was always a source of information for the group.

Idaleene is now a resident of an assisted living complex in Denison, Texas, close to long-time friend, Joanna Barnes, who oversees Idaleene’s care.

It would be paying tribute to an important Sanger historian if she is recognized for her 100th birthday. If you would like to send her a birthday card, her address is as follows:



Room 203-B,

c/o Beacon Hill,

3515 Park Avenue

Denison, TX 75020


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