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Sanger police officer revives 24-year old female

On Sunday, July 23, 2023, at approximately 3:30 p.m., the Sanger Police Department and Sanger Fire/EMS were dispatched to a report of an unconscious person that was not breathing and had no pulse. The caller’s mother was performing CPR when officers arrived on the scene. Officers discovered an unconscious 24-year-old female displaying signs of severe opioid intoxication and was in respiratory distress. Shortly after the officers arrived, the woman stopped breathing, and her heart stopped.

Officer Tyler Pruett administered a dose of ZIMHI, an opioid antagonist used for the emergency treatment of known or suspected opioid overdose, and began CPR efforts. After several chest compressions, the woman began breathing and regained a pulse. A few minutes later, she regained consciousness and was able to tell officers she had ingested what she believed to be a narcotic analgesic in pill form that had been given to her by a friend.

Medics, who had been transporting another patient to the hospital at the time this call came out, arrived a short time later and examined the woman.

Officers with the Sanger Police Department and Valley View Police Department received training on the detection of opioid intoxication and the administration of naloxone through nasal mist dosage or through the ZIMHI injectable system from the non-profit organization Drew's 27 Chains on March 23. The founder of the organization, Callie Crow, started the organization in 2020 after her son, Drew, passed away from fentanyl toxicity. The organization provides education regarding opioid overdoses and naloxone administration and focuses on first responders and public service organizations. The ZIMHI system used by Officer Pruett was provided to the department by Drew’s 27 Chains.

At the time of the training provided to the Sanger Police Department in March, Drew’s 27 Chains had been credited with 44 lives saved through their training and naloxone supplied to first responders. Sanger Police Department is proud to announce with Drew’s 27 Chains that Sunday’s incident marks the 54th life saved through the organization’s partnership with first responder groups.


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