Sanger ISD Superintendent Dr. Tommy Hunter updates parents as students return to school

Dr. Tommy Hunter informed Sanger ISD families this week, as school started on Wednesday. He wanted everyone to know that the Sanger staff is excited about welcoming back the students. “We have so much learning experiences for them and we can’t wait to take them on a journey of limitless opportunities for success.”
He had an update on the Bond projects. “We are in the design phase. Sometime between March/April we will break ground at Clear Creek Intermediate School and in about six months or later, we will break ground at the new Sanger High School location. Soon after the academic year gets underway, we will be conducting a ‘Community Kick-off’ where we will be soliciting parents’ input on the new design for the Ag Barn.”
He wanted to assure families that Safety remains a top priority at Sanger ISD, in light of the recent tragedy in Ulvalde, Texas. “This summer, we worked closely with our local first responders, the City of Sanger, and throughout the year we will meet to address the safety and security needs of our school district. In addition, our Safe, Secure, and Supportive Schools Plan is to start our own Sanger ISD Police Department. We will be hiring a Director of Safety, who will be our Chief of Police once the department is established.
Every one of us at Sanger ISD want to thank your for your support of our school system and thank you for making Sanger ISD your choice.”