Sanger ISD Construction/Bond Update:

There’s a lot of construction happening at some of the SISD campuses. Parents and students can’t help but notice all of it with the start of school last week.
Here is an update, timeline and some photos of the construction:
Sanger High School
Building plans are 100% complete.
A guaranteed maximum price will be presented by Pogue Construction at the August 31, 2023 board meeting.
Anticipate breaking ground in September 2023
Clear Creek Intermediate
Office, counseling corner, and collaboration room renovation are complete.
LED lighting and fire sprinkler system throughout the building system installed.
The security vestibule installation has been delayed due to supply chain issues and is expected to be completed by December 2023 or March 2024 at the latest.
Agricultural Science Center
Silt fencing and a construction trailer are now on site.
Construction is expected to begin in early September
Softball/Baseball Turf
A unanimous vote by the SISD Board of Trustees on July 17, 2023, to utilize money from the fund balance, not funded from the bond, to replace both fields with turf.
Turf fields are expected to be completed by the end of November 2023 or December 2023 at the latest.
Playground Systems
Playground systems for both Clear Creek Intermediate and Butterfield Elementary are scheduled to ship on September 15, 2023. Installation should begin by the end of September.
