Sanger ISD announces health protocols, masks optional
As Sanger ISD is gearing up for an amazing school year in 2021-2022 with full in-person instruction only. Sanger ISD officials will monitor overall school health and safety and adjust plans as needed. Guidance from local and state officials, including the Texas Education Agency, will be followed and communicated as needed. When school starts on Thursday, August 19, the practices below will be in place regarding COVID-19 and variants. These practices are subject to change. Dr. Tommy Hunter, Superintendent of Schools issued the following information earlier this week.
Masks & Hygiene Practices
As previously announced, masks and face coverings are optional for all students and staff. Staff are encouraged to ensure that any student wishing to wear a mask feels supported in their decision to do so. SISD will continue to promote the great hand washing and hygiene practices among all individuals on campus.
COVID-19 Reporting
Staff and students are asked to report any positive COVID-19 test result for themselves or for a household family member to your assigned campus nurse. See chart at the end of this article on page 9.
Quarantine Requirements
Lab confirmed individuals are required to quarantine for 10 days at the onset of symptoms or the date of test administration if asymptomatic. Quarantine for 10 days will also be required for individuals with a COVID-19 positive household family member. Vaccination status and COVID-19 history can overrule this quarantine period. Please reach out to the campus nurse for details.
Contact Tracing
Sanger ISD will not conduct contact tracing for COVID positive cases on campus. School nurses will resume normal protocols for contacting parents of ill children. As always, please remember that students must be free of fever, vomiting and/or diarrhea for 24 hours (without Medication) before returning to school to prevent spread of illnesses. Should the campus request you to pick up a sick child, please do so as promptly as possible.
Custodial teams will continue to provide extra cleaning measures in areas as needed to combat germs and spreading of illnesses of any kind. Hand sanitizer stations and surface wipes will continue to be available.
Remote Conferencing Learning for Positive COVID Positive and or Quarantined Students
If a student has to quarantine for being COVID positive or Same Household Direct Exposure, the student may be counted present and/or gain attendance credit by accessing our remote learning conferencing. During the required 10-day quarantine, the district’s COVID Remote Conferencing Support Instructor will provide the student instructional support.
According to the Texas Education Agency (TEA), students participating through remote conferencing will generate attendance according to the two-through-four-hour rule and based on whether the student is virtually “present” at the official attendance-taking time. Instruction must be provided synchronously, which means two-way, real-time/live virtual instruction between teachers and students. The instruction cannot be concurrent, which means remote students must not be taught by a teacher who is also teaching in-person students at the same time. Please reach out to your child’s campus principal for additional information or clarification.
