Sanger City Showcase - Meet Your City,to be held, Thursday, September 14
The City of Sanger is hosting their first City Showcase. This open house style, come and go showcase allows for residents and business owners to meet with each department leader in the City. It will be held on Thursday, September 14 from 6 -8 p.m., at the Sanger Historical Church at 403 S. 7th Street.
The Mayor Thomas Muir and City Manager John Noblitt spoke at the Sanger Education Foundation’s “Lunch With The City” last week. One of the topics was communication platforms for the city. They have an official Magazine of the City of Sanger that is a monthly production, digital platform which is distributed on social media, websites and email. The City has three websites: is the official website; Discover/ is a tourism website and is the Sanger Economic Development website. There is a EDC (Economic Development) Newsletter that is published quarterly in digital platform that is distributed on social media, websites and through email.
They both emphasized the City is being proactive with transparency to residents. This City Showcase is one example of that.
Other topics were budget highlights, two huge residential/commercial projects, the wastewater treatment plant, city street rehabilitation project through 2028. Seventeen more streets will be repaved in 2024-2025 and over 20 more streets in the years after. As funding becomes available, the projects will be moved up even sooner. The Sanger News will highlight those projects and the time-lines in the coming weeks.
Also, a joint project between the city and county for Marion and Belz roads. The repairs were included in the county bond package and the City Council is preparing to pass funding to begin engineering for both projects, to expedite the construction, when funding is announced/released by the county.
There are 18 authorized positions in the Sanger Police Department and the proposed 2024 budget would allow for two additional positions.
The Fire Department has a Quint Fire Truck in production that allows access to 3+ story buildings and the city is quickly moving towards a complete full-time fire department. This summer’s hiring brings the department five additional full-time firefighters and they have applied for SAFER grant to assist with hiring of six additional staff members. Casey Welborn was promoted to Assistant Chief in March and the 2024 budget allows for a full-time Fire Chief. The estimated arrival date of the new fire truck is June 2024.
Future parks were discussed. The city is exploring a new downtown park, as mentioned in last weeks Sanger News. Also Miracle Field on the east side of I-35, across from Porter Sports Park. The City is partnering with EDC to bring a Miracle Field. This provides a surface for handicapped children to play sports in the initial phase of the project. A full concept design is the next step, to include new baseball fields, in addition to Railroad Ave fields.
The Sanger News will recognize the Sanger Education Foundation Lunch with photos and more in the coming weeks, as well.
