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Renovations begin at Uptown Rail Brewery in Downtown

Renovations are underway at the Uptown Rail Brewery in Downtown Sanger.  The new brewery owners bought the old Hollingsworth Manufacturing Bldg.  This is the same group that owns Paxicase Security in Sanger and recently opened Uptown Creamery Ice Cream Shop at 306 Bolivar Street in Downtown.

Uptown Rail Brewery will be located at 204 Bolivar Street for what will be the first business of its kind in Downtown Sanger.  Founded by Todd and Vanessa Benson, there will be 7500 square feet usable space, originally built in 1903.  Plans call for amenities to be set up outside as well, with a focus on making the brewery a family-friendly destination.   “We plan on having an outdoor green space and a stage for live music with food trucks making it a fun environment for families to enjoy,” said Todd Benson.

Inside the taproom, Benson expects 15-20 house beers available on a daily basis.  The portfolio will consist of a mix of classic and modern styles, with products highlighting the uniqueness of the area - whether it be the way of flavors and ingredients, or by bringing local heritage. 

“We we will partner with local farmers and/or suppliers to incorporate fresh, regional produce into our beers. Additionally, we will showcase the history and culture of our region through the branding and marketing of our brewery.”

The goal, quite naturally, is to create a strong connection with the area residents, and to attract customers who are interested in supporting a local business.

As for the timeline, the project is in its early stages, but Benson hopes to open by mid-to-late summer. 



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