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QuickTrip and Starbucks construction begins, Sportsman 2 opened Nov. 21


Dirt work has started on QuickTrip and Starbucks Coffee in Sanger. They will be located on FM 455W at I-35 intersection. The QuickTrip will be located on the old property of Super Save and Burrus Supermarket. The TxDOT expansions of I-35 and FM

Starbucks is being constructed between Chicken Express and Acker Street on FM 455. Starbucks Corporation is an American multinational chain of coffeehouses and roasters reserves headquartered in Seattle, Washington. It is the world’s largest coffeehouse chain. As of November 2021, the company had 33,833 stores in 80 countries, 15,444 of which were located in the United States.multi family and apartments. The discussion ensued regarding build to rent concept, average home prices, average home rental prices, average lot and home square footage, multifamily density, reducing the multifamily density, accessibility within the subdivision, adding parks to the single-family residential area, designed standard scoring system, the architecture of the multifamily units, increasing the lot sizes for homes along Belz road, improvements to the commercial retail area, addressing the connectivity issues to the potential grocery store and other commercial sites and phases of constructions. Malouf Interests and Greystar has negotiated with several national chain grocery stores on previous developments. They told the City of Sanger representatives that they have a well known national chain ready to open in Sanger. They said once the project is approved they are ready to announce the grocery chain. They also said it could be open in two years, which is an expedited pace at this early stage in the development.

Starbucks is being constructed between Chicken Express and Acker Street on FM 455. Starbucks Corporation is an American multinational chain of coffeehouses and roastery reserves headquartered in Seattle, Washington. It is the world’s largest coffeehouse chain. As of November 2021, the company had 33,833 stores in 80 countries, 15,444 of which were located in the United States.

The Sportsman 2 Travel Stop opened Monday, November 21st. It is located on I-35 and Lois Road East, next to Walmart Logistics. It was a soft opening. Construction is now completed on the 10,000 square ft., building. 8,000 square ft., for the convenience store and restaurant and 2,000 square feet for a Liquor Store, 8-regular gas pumps in the front of the store to fuel 16 vehicles and 5 separate diesel pumps in back, overnight parking for 18-wheelers, and 2 – separate canopies. Sodhi & Rai, Inc. is opening the new business. This company owns the original Sportsman in Sanger, located on the corner of 5th Street and Chapman Drive.

The Sanger City Council had a workshop session last month to hear a presentation of a potential development on the northwest corner of FM 455 and I-35. The development would stretch all the way to Belz Road. Nikki Moore, of A.N. Consulting, provided a presentation and overview on behalf of Malouf Interests regarding a proposed mixed-use development for retail, single family, multi family and apartments. The discussion ensued regarding build to rent concept, average home prices, average home rental prices, average lot and home square footage, multifamily density, reducing the multifamily density, accessibility within the subdivision, adding parks to the single-family residential area, designed standard scoring system, the architecture of the multifamily units, increasing the lot sizes for homes along Belz road, improvements to the commercial retail area, addressing the connectivity issues to the potential grocery store and other commercial sites and phases of constructions. Malouf Interests and Greystar has negotiated with several national chain grocery stores on previous developments. They told the City of Sanger representatives that they have a well known national chain ready to open in Sanger. They said once the project is approved they are ready to announce the grocery chain. They also said it could be open in two years, which is an expidited pace at this early stage in the development.

Brian Andrus, who represents the investment company that owns the land, Porter Investments and is negotiating the sale, spoke regarding the proposed Self Stor

age facility on three acres of the property.

Representatives from Greystar and Malouf Interests, Inc., also answered questions regarding the 130 acre proposed Sanger development.

City staff members in attendance: City Manager John Noblitt, City Secretary Kelly Edwards, City Attorney Hugh Coleman, Finance Director Clayton Gray, Director of Development Services Rammie Hammonds, Director of Economic Development Shani Bradshaw, Marketing and Civic Engagement Director Donna Green and Director of Public Works Jim Bolz.

Five Sanger planning and zoning commissioners were present: Sally Amendola, Jackie Turner, Allen McAlister, Matt Fuller and Jason Miller. City council members present: Mayor Thomas Muir, Marissa Barrett, Dennis Dillon Allen Chick and Victor Gann.

For the Sangerites skeptical of the possibility of this coming to fruition. These two companies already have the financing ready. It’s just waiting approval. If this gets approved, it will happen very quickly. The City of Sanger staff, council and mayor are doing their due diligence with the proposed developers to make sure this is an anchor and showcase for the future growth of Sanger.

Malouf Interests is a Real Estate firm experienced in the development of retail, mixed use, office and medical properties and raw land. Services include turnkey build-to-suits, site selection, financing, leasing, and redevelopment. Mr. Malouf has developed for dozens of national retailers including Tom Thumb, United Supermarkets, Sprouts, LA Fitness, Walgreens, Best Buy, Starbucks, Staples, Office Depot, Bank of America, McDonald’s, Chick-Fil-A, Wendy’s and 7-11.

Greystar Real Estate Partners is an international real estate developer and manager based in the United States. Total assets US$59 billion (June 30, 2022).


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