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Early Voting for SISD Bond, School Board and Mayor Elections underway

The Sanger General Election will be Saturday May, 7, 2022. Voters inside the SISD boundary will vote for or against the proposed 130 million dollar bond and there is one school board race between candidates Jesse Hunter and Debbie Reeves for Place 4. Bruce Elsey (Place 7) and Lisa Cody (Place 5) are unopposed.

If you live in the Sanger City Limits, on the ballot will be the Mayor’s race between incumbent Thomas Muir and Jeffrey W. Jarecke. Incumbent City Councilmen Gary Bilyeu (Place 2) and Allen Chick (Place 4) are the lone candidates. Both Mayor candidates will be profiled in the April 28 Sanger News.

Early Voting started April 25 and will end May 3 at the Sanger Community Center at 101 Freese Drive. Voters can cast their ballots at 41 area Denton County locations, including Sanger’s. On election day, Saturday, May 7, Sanger residents have to vote at the Sanger Community Center from 7am-7pm.


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