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City of Sanger Announces New Patrol Car Design

The City of Sanger revealed last week a new “graphics package” for their Police patrol cars.

Sanger, Chief of Police, Waylan Rhodes stated. “The department’s simpler black and white design has been in place for more than 20 years. It was time to move to a modern look that represents our growing City and the vision for our future.”

The new design that includes a blue and black diagonal racing stripe, gradient black to grey text, and the patrol officer badge was designed by the City’s Marketing Director.

“I am beyond honored that Chief Rhodes allowed me to work on this project. It is not every day that you get to design something so important. We have an amazing group of men and women in our Police Department. My goal was to create a unique and modern design that our officers and residents would be proud of”, said Donna Green, City of Sanger Director of Marketing and Civic Engagement.

This new graphics package represents the progressive nature and professionalism of our Police Department, and it aligns with our vision for the City of Sanger as defined by our recently adopted Master Plan.

Currently, two vehicles have been outfitted with the new graphics. Plans are underway to add the new design to the remaining fleet.


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