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A GOOD RUN.....Gentle’s family have owned and operated a business in Sanger since 1898

Since 1898, the Gentle family has operated a business in Sanger.  Randy Gentle retired in October, ending a 125-year  run.   His family owned and operated OM Gentle Hardware in downtown which opened in 1898. The hardware and implement store was located where Smith’s Hardware operated until September of 2000, when the historic building burned down. OM Gentle, also stored plows and tractors in the building where Babe’s Chicken is in downtown.    

LEFT: Michael and Randy Gentle take time for a picture, while cleaning out their building last week.  Gentle’s Oil and Tire closed last month.

OM Gentle was still in operation when Randy’s parents Bill and Frances  opened Gentle’s Grocery in downtown Sanger in 1947, where the current Chamber of Commerce is.  They sold it in 1983.  But, in 1980, Randy built his 30x80 shop, rebuilt wrecked cars, and sold them for 20 years.  In 2000, he opened Gentle’s Oil & Tire at 504 Bolivar Street and operated it with his son Michael.    The father-son team worked together for nearly 25 years.  “We were always together,” said Randy earlier this week, while cleaning out the building.  “We have accumulated a lot of stuff in 45 years.”

Michael was always around cars and started helping his dad in 8th grade. Michael is 47 years old, and they both still have an affinity for them.  When they began in 2000, an oil change started at $23.00.  The exact oil change was $46.00 at his shop in 2024. “I told a customer that that’s an average of $1 a year,” Michael said. “Randy only raised prices as the overhead costs increased.  He still kept it very affordable for his customers.  

They change the oil on average of about 20-25 cars daily.  When you get the calculator out, they’ve changed the oil in over 100,000 vehicles.  On the low side, 20 a day, 100 a week, for 52 weeks is 5,200, and x 20 years, that’s 104,000. Of course, they take a few weeks off each year for vacation.  Their customers panic, wondering when they will return from vacation. Randy and Michael appreciate their loyal customers and hope they provided good customer service.  They knew the small details meant a lot. “We tried to offer good service and paid attention to the little things.” 

Randy graduated from Sanger High School in 1972. He was a volunteer fireman in Sanger in the 1970s and 1980s and always loved fishing at Lake Ray Roberts. He and his wife Toni raised two children, Michael and Nicholas (44). Their kids are also graduates of SHS.  

Randy is 70 and still has plenty to do on the family farm to keep him busy. “I’ve been working all my life, and I need to slow down, I guess.”

Michael has a career lined up with the City of Sanger and is excited about earning medical benefits and a retirement plan.

Randy is leasing his building to Jimmy Hill, who owns Affordit Tire, across from Stephen Baker Field on I-35.  Jimmy is going to open Affordit Oil & Auto.   “The name Gentle has been a part of Sanger since 1898. From hardware to grocery and currently oil and tires, they have serviced this community for a long time,” said Jimmy in a Facebook post. “We are blessed that they have asked us (Jimmy and Bailie) to take over, and we cannot wait for this next step. The Gentles family is in our prayers for the next step in their lives, and we appreciate them so much.”

They will open AFFORD IT OIL & AUTO at the Gentles location at 504 Bolivar Street on November 1st. “Oil changes will be immediate, and brakes and alignments will follow soon. We will not be doing tires at the Bolivar Street location but will still be helping with all your tire needs at our location at 300 South Stemmons.

“We can’t wait for this expansion so that our business and family can serve our community in a different way. Also, please give Randy or Michael a thank you if you see them.”

Michael, Toni and Randy in 2000.


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