School Board moves back the start of school, Distance Learning and In-Class will be offered

At the Sanger ISD board meeting on Monday evening, the board approved the start of school to August 24, 2020 and amended the school calendar. It will allow the teaching staff the time needed to adequately prepare for the upcoming school year. The original start date was August 12.
Along with an amended start date, Sanger ISD has added 10 minutes to the length of the school day to achieve the required instructional minutes for the students. The altered starting and ending time for each campus will be made available very soon. Please continue to check your child’s campus website for these updates.
Later this week, they will be releasing Sanger ISD’s Return to Learning Plan for this year. All the information pertaining to traditional face-to-face learning, along with the online learning will be detailed in this release. “This year as parents, you have a choice of whether you will send your child to our campuses for traditional learning or keeping your child at home and utilizing our online learning platform. Both educational platforms will consist of high rigor and expectations you have come accustomed to in Sanger ISD. We will need your help as we plan for next year,” stated Sanger ISD Superintendent Dr. Tommy Hunter, in a letter to parents.
According to Texas Education Agency (TEA) guidelines, SISD cannot ask you to commit to your choice of learning platform for your child until two weeks prior to the start of school. However, in order to help the staff prepare, they will be sending out a noncommittal survey seeking information which will assist them in the decision-making process as the start of school draws closer. Parents participation in completing this survey will contribute to academic planning and be greatly appreciated by the district.
Dr. Hunter is asking for parents continued patience and support as they prepare for this upcoming school year. “The guidance we receive from the Texas Education Agency and Governor Abbott’s office changes frequently the closer we get to August. I apologize for any inconvenience our delay of information has created. We will continue to update you as soon as possible with information surrounding the start of school in August.”