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Texas schools to remain closed for the academic year, SISD hoping to have graduation ceremony June

Students, at the public, private and college-level, will not return to class the remainder of the school year after determining it would be unsafe, Texas Governor Greg Abbott said, recently. Abbott previously ordered schools to close until May 4.

Teachers and other school personnel will be allowed to return to school for administrative duties, online learning or cleaning out classrooms, Abbott said.

The Texas Education Agency will update districts about graduation proceedings. Sanger ISD has tentatively set a graduation date for June 6. Due to the cancellation of the UNT graduation and the use of their facilities, the Board of Trustees and Sanger ISD have decided to hold the Class of 2020 graduation at Indian Stadium tentatively June 6, 2020, at 8:00 PM. This change allows them the flexibility to make changes to the date based on recommendations of the Denton County Public Health (DCPH) department as well as the Center for Disease Control (CDC).

“A student’s senior year is made for memories and is designed to serve as capstones for the high school experience. We want our seniors to be encouraged by our efforts to continue scheduling graduation,” said SISD Superintendent Dr. Tommy Hunter.

Dr. Hunter released a letter to SISD parents on Friday. “The impact of this challenging time on families and educators alike has been profound, however, we are so proud of your willingness to work together to benefit our students. In Governor Abbott’s press conference today, he announced that all school buildings would remain closed through the end of the school year for in-person instruction. We will continue our ‘distance learning’ methods through the end of the school year following our regular school calendar.

We will continue to provide lessons either through our online platforms, or through paper packet mail outs for the remainder of our academic year. Meal programs will continue as planned. If you see that your child is struggling emotionally in this challenging time, please contact one of their teachers. Our team is ready and willing to support your children. Additionally, we are working on a plan for you to retrieve any items that your children may have left at school prior to Spring Break. When safe, we’ll announce that process.

In the weeks to come, we are expecting guidance from TEA regarding high school graduation. We fully intend to honor our seniors and all of their hard work throughout the years.

Sanger ISD appreciates your understanding and support you have shown our district during these challenging times. Apart we stand together during this time.

Stay safe and please contact your children’s teacher, our campus administrators, or myself if we can be of any assistance to you and your family.”

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