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Sanger Education Foundation Receives $20 Thousand Endowment Gift from Local Family

The Sanger Education Foundation is thrilled to announce the establishment of the Bob and Mary Jo Stover and Family Endowment. The endowment will remain invested and ongoing. Proceeds will provide annual support for a deserving graduating female senior, lettering in basketball and pursuing a quality education at the college of her choice. If no female candidate is identified, then the scholarship can be awarded to a male high school senior who has lettered in basketball.

Both Mary Jo and Bob had a love for basketball. Mary Jo, who passed away January 21, 2023, played for Sanger High School all four years. She played mainly as a forward, but also as a guard. In 1955, Mary Jo and her team were Bi-District Champions. Unfortunately, one of her teammates was injured, and they were unable to secure the Regional Championship. This year in May, the scholarship will be given to its first recipient.


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